Conveyor Systems For Material Handling


bulk handling conveyor system is a type of material handling equipment that is used to move products from one place to another. The types of materials can be raw materials, food, chemicals, in fact any material that needs to be transported to the next process of production, inspection, packing or dispatch.

There are many different types of conveyors such as overhead conveyors, belt conveyors, bucket elevators, food conveyors, pivoting bucket elevators, pendulum bucket elevators and vibration conveyors to name a few. They are powered by an electric motor, air pressure or vacuum.

Overhead conveyors can be used for many items such as assembly, distribution, and food. Certainly not cheap, but the manpower they reduce compensates for the cost. You are also getting some acclaimed floor space and reducing and preventing accidents. This type of conveyor is used extensively in the tire, white goods and car exhaust industries.

A bucket lift, also known as a grain leg, is a mechanism for moving flowable bulk material vertically. It can be bulk material that can be either light weight or heavy, from fine to large lumps. Basically this type of conveyor consists of buckets that are used to hold material, a belt to carry buckets and a bridge to transmit, the power that drives the belt and the bucket to load, or the material Any baggage lift can be bucket lift designed to ensure that all handling of the product is done using methods that are inherently gentle and cause minimal hassle to move products Are made.

Belt conveyors are used to move multiples of bulk or unit load products at various points within the processing system. These are low-cost, product-specific bulk handling conveyor systems that use standard conveying components to move within a processor to the end of a line packing facility. They can be controlled by a simple push-button operation at each stopping position or combined with intelligent controls to allow a set period at each position before proceeding. This form of conveyor includes truffled, dish boom, flat bed, or plastic modules.

Another type of conveyor is a roller conveyor that is cost-effective and very versatile. These have evolved and you can now get advanced powered roller conveyors designed for heavy-duty applications such as pallet handling, automotive applications or storage where the heavy product is loaded onto the conveyor via a machine or forklift is. Most are manufactured from mild steel but have heavy-duty rollers that are driven by a shaft-mounted gear motor.

You can get a conveyor designed and tailored for your exact needs. Which conveyor is suitable for one type of process may not be suitable for another. Therefore it is necessary to obtain the right type of conveyor for your processing requirements.


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